About this blog


The idea for this blog emerged as I was preparing a session about blogging as pedagogy for the Annual AQPC (Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale) Conference. The conference is being held in Rimouski, Quebec, from June 5-7, 2019. As I was working on my slides, I realized that it would be interesting to lead a session about blogging by using a blog, rather than a slide deck. This was not the easier road, I must admit. Putting together slides is straightforward. Creating a blog for a conference presentation is something I’ve never done before! It is making me think differently about the content of the presentation, as well as the technical aspects of creating a blog intended for a live audience.

After the conference, perhaps this will become a space for further conversations about different ways to “thin the classroom walls.”

If you want to know more about me, have a look at my website, here.